This is the Sound Effects - Scifi sound effects category page.
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All the individual sound effects in this category are listed below :
alien_laser_1.wav [42KB]
alien_laser_2.wav [19KB]
alien_laugh.wav [33KB]
beam_sound.wav [36KB]
dissolve.wav [10KB]
dissolve2.wav [7KB]
electricalcurrent1.wav [25KB]
electricalcurrent2.wav [17KB]
electricarc.wav [4KB]
electronic.wav [46KB]
electronicheart.wav [11KB]
electronicping.wav [13KB]
grow1.wav [8KB]
grow2.wav [11KB]
highpitchsqueal.wav [48KB]
robot_walk.wav [119KB]
sound_01.wav [11KB]
sound_02.wav [2KB]
sound_03.wav [3KB]
teleporter.wav [52KB]