Zelda Script Segment, Check it Out

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Zelda Script Segment, Check it Out

Post by Gyro »

As some of you may know, I am making a Zelda flick (Starting next week hopefully) The script is nearly finished but is still sort of a rough draft, my sister is writing the script so I know its gonna be fantastic once finished. But here is a segment from it, its not in script format AT ALL so dont critque me on that. So read if you like and tell me what you think.

This is a sequence from the film where Link meets Zelda. Zelda just received a gift from her un wanted fiance that her father arranged. So out of frustration she throws the gift out in the fields on her horse. Link just received Epona and his taking her for a stroll.

Zelda: I’ll choose my own jewelry, thanks. With a disgusted look, she hurls it into the bushes.
Scene VI: Link is riding along on Epona at a leisurely pace. The horse pricks her ears.
Link: What is it, girl?
A piece of silver catches the light as it flies through the air and hits the dirt beneath Epona’s hooves.
Link looks ahead and sees a horse and rider disappearing into the distance. He swings off and retrieves the necklace.
Hey. You dropped something. Link remounts and speeds off after the other horse and rider.
Zelda hears the sound of approaching hooves. She glances behind her and sees Link. She looks scared and pushes her horse to go faster. Link also increases his speed.
Hey…Hey. (More quiet.) Okay. Epona, let’s see what you got. Epona surges forward. Now the two horses race at blinding speed. Come on, girl. Epona draws even with Zelda who now looks angrier than scared. Link holds out the necklace and falters for a brief second upon seeing Zelda’s face. Hey, is this yours?
Zelda: No.
Link: Are your sure?
Zelda: Positive.
Zelda reins her horse sharply away from Epona.
Link: Hey, now wait a minute. Link does not notice the large fallen tree in front and the sharp split in the trail. It is too late. Epona jumps the tree and they lose Zelda. Link regains his balance and pulls Epona to a stop. He looks all around. Let’s show her that we don’t give up that easily, Epona.
He points Epona toward the steep hill that separates the two trails. She bolts up it with amazing strength. They emerge at the upper trail just in front of Zelda.
Zelda: screams and pulls her horse to a stop to avoid colliding with Epona. You again? Okay, it was mine. But I don’t want it anymore. Take it. Sell it. Go buy yourself some gin, or something. I don’t care, just let me pass.
Link: May I ask your name first?
Zelda: furious What gives you the nerve to chase me down, block my path, and now ask my name? Such actions reveal your stupidity. Now, I command you to move out of my way.
Link: smiling Your manner of speech reveals your identity, your Highness. Link turns Epona to the side and gestures to the open path. The way is yours and so is this. He holds out the necklace. This time she takes it back. His eyes linger on the sun stone.
Zelda: You are a bold fool. She rides past Link and pushes her horse into a canter.
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Post by I3lade203 »

Looks good so far, post some more!
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Post by Gyro »

Hopefully we start filming soon, I'm just waiting to get access to the junk for some movement shots in this scene.
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Post by CaptainAmerica »

that sounds great
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Post by Gyro »

The film has been postponed for a year.
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Post by Chris_film »

why was it postponed???? i was looking forward to it. i have played evrey "legend of zelda" game to death!!! the script was almost exactly like the game, which is good! :wink:
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Post by Gyro »

Sorry, We decided that if it's to be good, we need another year for preproduction, seeing as the script isn't all the way finished yet, so expect it in a year.
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Post by SpikeLJ »

Dang! Can't wait to this, that was a pretty calm scene but i suppouse you've got some bad fighting scenes
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Post by Gyro »

Mess loads.
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Post by LucII »

It certainly looks entertaining, good luck with the filming.
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