ending for a script

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ending for a script

Post by genesis_157 »

i'm wondering if anyone can PLEASE help me finish writing this script?

i'm writing a horror film and so far it's looking good (even though it's rough draft so far) but i just need a decent ending...what follows is the last couple of paragraghs i wrote.

"The wife jumps out of the car and runs towards the police officer screaming and crying until she runs into the police officer’s arms.She hugs the officer so hard that he has difficult breathing.

The wife turns around to look at the car. What she saw made her scream so much that she passed out from exhaustion. There was someone on the roof of the car screaming and banging an object off the roof. The object was her husbands head…bloodied and emotionless, it was just a play thing for the monster that had killed the husband and tormented the wife for hours with it."

the monster i speak of is a HUMAN psychopath, not an actual monster...now here are the rules before you post...

1) no sudden ending...as in..."they all went home had a cup of tea and let it all blow over"
2) the police don't point their guns at him and blow the cr** out of the psychopath...i'm looking for original endings

hope anyone can help with this
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Post by GreedoShootsFirst »

I'm sorry, but what you have to begin with isn't very original so coming up with an original ending...My solution is to pull a Takashi Miike and make the ending completely ambiguous to the rest of the movie...Hope that helped, if any...
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Post by genesis_157 »

I’m not familiar with Takashi Miikes' work, appreciate your criticism never the less
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Post by ra2929 »

Well...Urban Legend informs us all that that is, in fact an Urban legend. Nothing wrong at all with using a public domain concept and running with it. (Look at Romeo and Juliet, Othelo and Hamlet.) What will make it "FLY" is adding your own element to it that makes it, uniqely yours.
1. Does it have to be a car?
2. Does it have to be a cop?
3. Does it have to be the dude's head?
What would scare the !@#$% out of you if it was you in the "car?"

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Post by Mushiman »

How about 'The End'?
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Post by SgtPadrino »

Why can't the cops attack the guy? He's banging somebody's head on a car, what the hell else are they gonna do, give him a ticket?
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Post by POTUS »

Ok, what you have so far is fine. Well since I don't know how the rest of the movie goes, I guess it's alright if I give it a twist.

So you have cop, and the woman who just passed out. Now for the time being we've got the crazy guy with the head on the car, he can stay there for a minute. What happens is that the officer pulls out his sidearm and pulls the hammer back, he's about to squeez off a shot, or at least shout something like "Freeze!" But before he can even aim the gun the "creature" jumps off the roof of the car an into the woods or whatever. So now we just have the cop and the woman. The officer not noticing any immedeate danger gets the woman in the back of the police car and then gets in himself. He locks the doors and grabs the radio.

OFFICER(calm, but still worried): This is ----. Come in.

There's static...then:

RADIO OPERATOR: What's going on----?

OFFICER: I'm out on Rt. ---- , and I don't know what the hell I saw...

The woman starts to wake up now...

OFFICER (cont.): this thing has gotten way out of proportion.

RADIO OPERATOR: Ok, we'll send a team to clean it up. Just keep it contained as long as you can.

The woman now is fully awake and listening through the grill that seperates the back and the front.

OFFICER (unaware that the woman is awake): Well I have a witness, but we don't need to worry now, just send someone to take care of the car.

RADIO OPERATOR: Alright, bring them in, we'll have a chopper on the ground in ten. And ditch the "black and white" (refrence to the police car)

OFFICER: Read you, just make sure we get this taken care of, I mean we don't need an epidemic on our hands.

RADIO OPERATOR: We'll take of anyone who's seen anything.

OFFICER: Right, over.

The officer switches off the radio and starts the car. While the last bit of dialoge has went on we've cut between the woman and the "cop" of course.

Anyway, hope this helps, I thought of it in like five minutes so the plot twist probably shows it. Good luck.
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Post by genesis_157 »

the reason i don't want the pollice to blast the hell out of the guy is cos i'm british so this is a british film, the police over here don't carry side arms, the most they carry is pepper spray and a baton.

the plot twist actually fits quite well to the rest of the story...thanks for all your help everyone, keep them coming if you wish!!!

Post by NaziSentry »

Well, the psychopath could run to attxk the cops, then a huge baton-pepper spray fight ensues! :twisted:
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Post by mercenary123 »

Man that would suck, only having pepper spray and a baton.

"Freeze! I have pepper spray! Now slowly put the weapon down." BAM! BAM!
got lazy on the siggy...
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Post by BagBoysProductions »

You could have the "monster" lash out and attack the wife and police officer. The officer calls for back up and it turns into a blood bath....the "monster" kills everyone and gets away....and hey that leaves it open for a sequal.
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Post by PapaMurf »

Yeah, seeing that all horror movies are usually left open like that. i know cuz I also am making a horror movie and just shot most of it 2day.
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Post by crb »

Why can't you just have the psychopath charge the car towards the woman and police officer and just at the point when we think they are going to hit- BAM! The woman wakes up in bed. She gives a sigh of relief, says she's glad it was just a dream. Wakes up her husband beside her and it isn't the husband she thought, it's the psychopath who says "good morning". THE END
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Post by pdj »

Or going off the last entry, have her wake up and say 'phew it was just a dream' and as she turns to her husband, he's lying there with his head missing and the white pillow case drenched in blood!!

Or, as the cop is standing next to the woman, the loony runs off, as the cop turns his back to the woman-have her twist his head off- why? Because!

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Re: ending for a script

Post by Passit »

[quote="genesis_157"]"she runs into the police officer’s arms. She hugs the officer so hard that he has difficult breathing."

the officer actually STOPS breathing- psycho runs off and she gets accused of the murder of her husband and the police officer!
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RE: Re: ending for a script

Post by genesis_157 »

i like the idea from crb, thats one hell of a twist but i also like the idea from Passit...maybe i should film all these endings and see what happens to the film during editing
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Post by crb »

I came up with an even better one. She yells at the cop to save her husband. Then she wakes up, she's in one of those white padded rooms in the mental ward. She looks around kind of freaked out. Cuts to outside. Two psychologists are talking. One says, "she is still having those dreams about the madman killing her husband". The other says, "double the dosage". Then it just ends with her looking around the rooms nervously. Move in to see close up of her eye. She closes it and dreams back to the very begining scene. THE END
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Post by 2nd_Recon »

not bad. What I would do is this

(Psyco throws the head at the cop. Cops flips out and jumps in his car. He roars off, narrowly missing the car the psyco is on. Psyco jumps of his car trying to get on the cops car, he misses his jump, and lands on the cop cars hood, then rolls off. Psyco gets up and charges at woman. The woman screams, but the psyco doesn't attack her. Instead he grabs the head and runs into the woods/dark alleyway. End with the woman staring into the woods/dark alley and weeping)
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Post by DarkElastic »

Or the Psyco could be the cop's younger brother and they take the girl home for a kind of Texas Chanisaw massacre family moment. Then they eat her. The End!!!
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Post by mickcar73 »

An umbrella comes out of the husbands head and he starts hovering about and makes cakes and juice for the killer. Then an aztec comes out of nowhere telling the woman that she has altered the future. they both go back in time in a vortex blah blah blah and this leaves room for a thoughtless and unoriginal sequel involving a floating orb that gives advice on things
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Post by Clarence »

BagBoysProductions wrote:You could have the "monster" lash out and attack the wife and police officer. The officer calls for back up and it turns into a blood bath....the "monster" kills everyone and gets away....and hey that leaves it open for a sequal.
I like this idea. They all get killed and the phsycophath gets away. Maybe it could end with the police officer's radio on the ground next to his dead body with the voice of the officer/chief/person he was talking over the radio to saying "hey, are you there?" etc. Than the film could could cut to black.

Just a thought.
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Post by Mr.Anderson »

well, since it seems like the point of view of this movie has been following the wife for a while now. You could have her screaming and crying on the ground, and as she is passing out, her vision just sort of blurs. The last thing she sees/hears is the psycho hopping off the car and walking slowly towards them, the cop saying "Jesus Christ!" or something like that. she passes out. she wakes up and is looking around. she sees the psycho laying on the ground. he is dead, his own weapon has been stuck in him (whatever you had him wielding). the officer falls next to her gasping, hes coughing badly. When we see his face its bloodied heavily, hes obviously been beaten badly while fighting the psycho. "Hes dead he says". He holds her while she cries. She weakly gets into his patrol car, he steps in. "just take me home" she says. "no, no, theres still work to be done out here" "I know, i know, we need ambulances and more police, but please just take me home." "no not that" He pulls off the skin on his face he was using as a mask, its the police officers skin, its actually the psycho. She screams and we see the killer pull out a knife smiling. THE END ( i know i ripped off the silence of the lambs a little, but its a good movie, what the hell? All the cool kids are doing it)
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Post by crossfire »

lol i have somethin similar to what darkelastic said, maybe the cop could try to calm down the psycopath (however u spell it) and the psyco calms down but is still jittery, the woman hasnt fainted but is semi-concious, then the psyco jumps at the police officer and the police officer somehow kills the psyco but when the cop finally defeats the monster, he takes the woman into the car and drives her towards her house but then he takes another road and takes the woman to a warehouse or a dark large place and the psyco is waiting there for them and the cop hands teh woman over, then it ends

its kinda hard to make an ending if you dun know the rest of the story
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