Internal Affairs Movie

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Internal Affairs Movie

Post by JackBauerII »

Here's a movie that I'm working on. Tell me what you think.

SC. I: ENT. ANDREWS’ House. We see ANDREWS’ cell phone ringing. ANDREWS, a tall, lean man in his early thirties wakes up. Answers the phone. Camera follows Andrews as he gets into his car, hangs up the phone and drives to work. Multiple shots of car driving off.
* * *

CUT TO -- shot of Industrial District in San Francisco (from car)

* * *

Camera follows black shoes. ANDREWS enters his office and logs onto his computer. Accesses computer mainframe. Camera pans to large map on wall. ANDREWS places a new tack on an established line of tacks. Camera shows label on top of map that reads STTUTGART DRUG OPERATION.

* * *

SC. II: CARLSON’S OFFICE. CARLSON sits at his computer. Phone rings.

OTTO [On phone with CARLSON] {Not seen}
Where is Andrews?

He’s on his way now. He’ll be in my office shortly.

Good. Did you get the rifle?

No. I’ll pick it up this evening.

Good. [Hangs up]


Mr. Andrews, please close the door.

[ANDREWS closes door]

Sit down.

[ANDREWS sits, resting his right hand on the table]

Mr. Andrews, we are assigning you to a mission that must be executed efficiently and professionally. Listen. We found a leak in the agency. I was looking over the credentials of a couple of the top agents and noticed your extensive sharpshooting experience.

ANDREWS [Hesitant]
You want me to take somebody out?

Yes. We have a cover story. You’ll be clean. All you do is fire the gun.

Can I get some verification?

We destroyed the documents. No loose ends.

All right. And my gun?

Remington M-700 sniper rifle. Compact but powerful. It can penetrate through two inches of steel easily. You’ll use .303 rounds. They’re easy to obtain on the streets so, in the unlikely event that any casings are recovered, it won’t look like a professional did the job. Also, $200,000 will be inserted automatically into your bank account. I’ll encrypt the transaction so it’s not detected by the bank. Do we have a deal?

Yah. So who’s the guy?

Timothy Collins. You probably don’t know him. He has too much information on government weaponry. We traced one of his phone calls to arms dealer in Pakistan. We’re going to arrange a meeting here at Internal Affairs. We’ll lock him in a conference room and you’ll take him out from the Sanford Building across the street.

All right. [ANDREWS gets up to leave]

Mr. Collins will be in Conference Room 2. You’ll be over there on the seventh floor. They’re doing construction on the floor but they can’t get a permit so it’s basically deserted. Go to the rear entrance of the Sanford building tomorrow at 7:15. One of my men will have your rifle. Collins will be there at 7:30.

What does he look like?

Tall, brown hair. But that’s not important. He’ll be the only one in the room. I’ll see you tomorrow.

ANDREWS EXITS the office. CARLSON pulls a piece of fingerprint paper out of his desk and lays it atop his table, where ANDREWS put his fingers. He removes the prints and puts them back in his desk.

* * *

OTTO [On phone] {Not Seen}
Mr. Collins?

COLLINS [At home]

This is Otto Lander from Internal Affairs. We’re expecting you tomorrow in the Franklin Street Building at a meeting regarding the McDouglass case. 7:30 on the sixth floor. It’s the second room on the left.

Thank you. I’ll be there.

[Hangs up]

OTTO [Dials Carlson’s number]
Is Andrews in?

Yeah. How are things on your end?

Collins will be here at 7:30.

One of my men will bring the rifle through the back entrance at seven. I’ve tampered with the security cameras in the rear of the building so they don’t pick anything up.

Good work.

[Hang up]

SC. III: Car pulls up and GUARD EXITS. He carries a large bag on his shoulder. He walks quickly around the side of the building.

CUT TO – Elevator opening. GUARD gets out at the seventh floor. ANDREWS ENTERS seventh floor through elevator. GUARD unzips the bag and hands ANDREWS the rifle.

ANDREWS [Pulls back bolt and releases it. Looks through sights and spots a target. Lowers rifle and looks back at GUARD]

It’s nice. Never fired one of these before. Heavy. [Bounces In hands to demonstrate weight]

I need to go. Call Carlson when you’re done. Leave the rifle on the desk. He’ll pick it up later.

You sure no one will see it?

No one has been on that floor in over a year. You have nothing to worry about.

GUARD EXITS through elevator.

SC. IV: COLLINS’ car pulls up at the front of the building. COLLINS walks through office building into conference room. CARLSON waits for him inside.

Please have a seat. I’ll just be a moment. The other agents will be here shortly.

CARLSON [Locks door and dials ANDREWS]
He’s in the room. You see him?

Does his tie have stripes?

Good. You have plenty of time to aim. He won’t be leaving anytime soon.

ANDREWS [Hangs up]

Crosshairs finding COLLINS. ANDREWS fires once and the bullet pierces through the window and hits COLLINS in the neck. COLLINS goes down. ANDREWS packs up the rifle and puts it on the table. He looks out the window and sees two men wearing latex gloves picking up the body. He EXITS the floor through the elevator.

SC V.: ANDREWS goes back into the Franklin Street Building. He sits down at his desk. Shortly after he sits down, two GUARDS burst in through the door.

Mr. Jonathan Andrews. You’re under arrest. Get on the ground!

What the hell is this?

Please cooperate, Mr. Andrews.

Get the hell off of me. I’m an agent! What do you think you’re doing?

Mr. Andrews, if you continue to resist, I will be forced to draw my weapon. Get your hands on your head.

GUARD frisks ANDREWS and removes a pistol from his shoulder holster. He throws it on the floor and handcuffs ANDREWS. Both GUARDS carry him off.


SC. VI: ANDREWS sits at desk in holding cell across from CARLSON. CARLSON puts the sniper rifle, the bullet casing and multiple pictures of COLLINS’ body and fingerprints on the table. He points to one of the pictures of the butt of the rifle.

See the yellow? (Pointing to one of the prints) It’s your fingerprint. There are prints all over the barrel, stock, trigger and on the casing. Mr. Andrews, the evidence shows quite clearly that you murdered Mr. Timothy Collins.

This is a set up! What are you doing? [Turns to guards] Lock him up, not me! This is a set up! I’m being framed!

Please leave us. [Back to ANDREWS, grabs by shirt collar]
Listen, you can’t do a damn thing about this. No one will believe you.

SC. VII: ANDREWS sits in a dimly-lit holding cell with his hands cuffed behind his back. GUARD stands at the door. ANDREWS fidgets with his sleeve.

What are you doing, sir?

My wrist itches.

Sir? What are you doing?

I said my damn wrist itches. This is a new suit.

Please remove your hand from your sleeve. [Puts hand on gun]

Look, I need to scratch it. I even have a rash. [Sarcastically] Would you like to see it?

GUARD nears ANDREWS, keeping a hand on his gun. He stops about two feet away from ANDREWS. ANDREWS elbows the GUARD and knocks him to the floor. The gun flies from the GUARD’S hand. ANDREWS gets out of his chair, pulls the handcuffs around his legs. The GUARD gets up, but ANDREWS strikes him and strangles him with the cuffs. ANDREWS takes key from GUARD’S belt and unlocks handcuffs. He takes GUARD’S radio and pistol and places it in his own shoulder holster. ANDREWS EXITS room.

SC. VIII: ELEVATOR. ANDREW puts on sunglasses and presses button for garage. He goes down two floors and then the doors open again. Two GUARDS get in. ANDREWS rides for a few more floors and then removes a cigarette from his suit pocket.

Sir, you aren’t allowed to smoke in here. This is a public facility.

ANDREWS [Sarcastically]
Sorry. [Puts cigarette back]

ANDREWS looks quickly at the GUARDS on both of his sides who both look forward. He navigates his hand through his suit jacket and gets a hold of his pistol. He fires two shots through his shoulder holster under his armpit and kills one GUARD. The other GUARD reaches for his own sidearm. ANDREWS presses his pistol to the GUARD’S chin.

Drop your gun. DROP IT!

[GUARD drops gun]

Is there a camera in this elevator?

[GUARD nods]

Where is it?!

GUARD points to a corner. ANDREWS shoots the camera.

We have an alert in elevator 2A. All security personnel stand by.

Damnit! [Looking around, then to GUARD’S belt] Give me your tear gas…and your respirator.

GUARD hesitates. ANDREWS fires at the ceiling.

GUARD removes the canister and respirator from his belt with trembling hands and gives them to ANDREWS. The elevator reaches the garage level. ANDREWS rolls the canister out of the elevator and fires into the cloud. As the smoke clears, ANDREWS can see a bleeding guard. The GUARD in the elevator presses the close door button. ANDREWS shoots him and heads towards his car.

SC. IX: ANDREWS drives on freeway. He opens his cell phone.

Peter, it’s Andrews. Switch over to scrambler 2. This call is probable being traced.

What is it, John?

I was framed for a murder and I don’t know why. I was assigned to kill a fake mole and now whole agency is after me. I need to hide out for a little while. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.

[Hangs Up]

SC. X: ANDREWS passes house. He parks around the corner. He goes around the side of the house to the basement. ANDREWS goes downstairs into basement where he meets EMERSON. He takes off his suit jacket and shoulder holster. Seeing the large bullet holes, he tosses it on the floor.
I need to access the Internal Affairs mainframe.

Don’t worry. I’ve reprogrammed my hard drive and encoded all of my files so they can’t be hacked into.

ANDREWS takes a disk from his pocket and inserts it into the computer. A screen appears asking for a password. ANDREWS enters his password and he enters the database.

They haven’t blocked off my password yet.

ANDREWS brings up CARLSON’S file. He searches through his police record and finds it to be without a blemish. He searches his case histories and finds that he has worked on many with OTTO LANDER.

Otto Lander. Name sound familiar?

No. Never heard of him.

How about James Carlson?


Both of their records are clean. I know something is up, though.

Why not tap their phones.

* * *

CUT TO -- ANDREWS enters dimly lit room in OTTO’S house with a gun and flashlight. He wears a face mask and black clothes. He scans walls quickly and covertly and finds a phone. He unscrews top and places a bug inside it.

CUT TO -- EMERSON in CARLSON’S house bugging phones. Both exit simultaneously on split screen. ANDREWS calls EMERSON.

ANDREWS [On Phone]
You done?

Yah. Let’s hope they don’t think to check.

[Hangs Up]

* * *

SC. XI: Back at EMERSON’S house. EMERSON and ANDREWS sit before the computer. EMERSON wears headphones.

All bugs are online. Got anything?


Scene fades through time, showing ANDREWS pacing around, yawning, stretching.

Got something. Listen. I’ll switch over to speaker. Otto is dialing…to…James Carlson.

Record it.


OTTO [Face seen]
You let ANDREWS get away.

Sir, he’s a professional. He knows how to escape.

You should have heightened security.

That would have increased suspicion. We want to keep this on the down-low, remember? Plus, if he comes out into public, we’ll have surveillance all over him. We’ll be able to read the time off his damn wristwatch.

Good. I assume that the shipment is in order?
Yes. The cocaine is in containers that dogs can’t pick up. If anything goes wrong, we have plenty of security guards to deal with it.

Are they well equipped?

Every guard has a submachine gun. But I don’t think any will be needed.

Let’s not speak so soon.


ANDREWS turns to EMERSON. The two stare at each other for a few seconds. ANDREWS slowly removes his headphones. ANDREWS removes a CD from the computer.

Guard this with your life. It’s my only chance to get back into Internal Affairs, or, for that matter, out in public.

I’ll put it in the safe.

EMERSON EXITS and ANDREWS goes back over to the phone. He dials his boss.

Mr. Forbes? This is Jonathan Andrews.

FORBES [Angry]
Andrews, where the f*** are you?

Sir, I can’t tell you. There is something you need to know.

Andrews, you murdered one of our agents. You should be in prison. Where are you?

Sir, are you familiar with the case I was working on? About the drug operation?

I have no time for this. I’m sending a squad to track you down.

Sir, I have just listened to a phone call between two of our agents, Lander and Carlson. I learned that both of them are involved in a drug trafficking operation that goes from Stuttgart to America.

That’s impossible. They’re two of IA’s best agents. They would never involve themselves in illegal activity.

I have the call on a CD. If you don’t believe me, go down to the West End Railyard at 7:00 tomorrow morning.

I don’t believe this.

The murder was set up. I was working on the case and either Lander or Carlson knew it. They needed to take me off the case. Framing me for murder would get me kicked out of the agency and into prison. That would allow them to continue with the operation without any detection.

My God.

I’m going to need a squad and some heavy equpiment. Knowing Otto, he’ll have a bunch of guards. I need you to come over and we’ll discuss it. Switch onto your scrambler.

It’s on.

Good. I’m at 16th and Cirillo. Fourth house. Come alone and park a few blocks away. There’s a basement entry, go in there.

I’ll be there in ten minutes.

[Hangs Up]

SC. XII: Scene opens with a high shot looking down at ANDREWS, EMERSON and FORBES discussing their root on a map.

ANDREWS [With pen]
We’ll assemble a squad here. I know there’s a railyard office. A scout will be stationed there. We’re going to need a car in case we need to pursue the train. I’d prefer if it were bulletproof. Also, your men should have plenty of grenades and other explosives on addition to automatic weapons. I assume that the shipment will come in container cars. We can do some damage by lobbing grenades into the train.

It’s done, then. You’ll have enough guns to supply a small army.

I plan to take Otto back alive, but if we can’t get him, we’ll have to derail the train. We’re going to need C4 on the tracks.

EMERSON walks away from the table to a closet. He takes a brick of C4 and drops it on the table.

Good. You lay the C4 here, [marks spot] at the end of the tracks. Use it as a last resort.
Scene fades and fades in again with OTTO on cell phone. He sits in the locomotive of the train.

SC. XIII: We see OTTO in the engine of a train on his cell phone]

We’re approaching West End Station. Have your men ready.

Camera pans across moving train to CARLSON who sits in the back.


[Hangs Up]

Load your weapons. We’re nearing the station. Put all of your guns on automatic. If any cops pick us up, shoot them. This shipment needs to get through.

Train slows to a stop at the entrance of the station. Inspector approaches locomotive and climbs to cab.

INSPECTOR [Holding Clipboard]
Sir, this is an uncharted train. Would you mind telling me what your cargo is?

OTTO takes out his gun and fires at the INSPECTOR. He tells the driver to continue. Train moves forward. Shot of side of train reveals an approaching car. ANDREWS leans out of the front passenger window with an MP5 and opens fire on the side of the train. Bullets ricochet and dent the metal sides.


CARLSON gets out of rear car, draws his pistol and fires at the automobile. He turns back and sees GUARDS firing. Bullets shower the car harmlessly as it motors on. The train continues down the track and squad members throw grenades from the sides of the tracks. One, who fires an M16, mows down a guard in one of the train cars.

ANDREWS [To driver]
Go faster! We need to get to the front of the train.
ANDREWS continues firing at the train.

OTTO [On Phone with CARLSON]
What’s going on. Your men have machine guns. Blow them to hell!

It’s bulletproof, sir. We’re doing the best we can.

The best you can?! Do you have any rocket launchers? Grenades? Anything?

Sorry sir, but we don’t.

OTTO [Furious] Hangs up cell phone and throws it out of the train. GUARDS continue to fire at the car.

I need to get on that train. [Puts walkie-talkie to his mouth]
Aim for the driver. We need to stop the train.

SQUAD members direct their fire to the locomotive. Shot in front of the locomotive shows the windshield glass shattering. The DRIVER’S shoulder is pierced by a bullet and he grasps it with a blood-stained hand. Just as he does, a second bullet passes through his head. With his foot off the accelerator, the trains slows. OTTO throws the dead DRIVER to the side and desperately tries to figure out how to accelerate the speed of the train. More bullets enter the locomotive and OTTO ducks down. The train has almost stopped. ANDREWS sprints alongside the train. Bullets explode on the ground around him. He jumps onto one of the passenger cars and fires on the guards above him. Slowly, ANDREWS makes his way to the locomotive.

ANDREWS [With Walkie-Talkie to EMERSON]
Hold off on the C4. I’m on the train.

Got it.

GUARD takes aim and hits EMERSON in the upper torso. EMERSON falls to the ground, clutching his wound.

Emerson? Are you there? What the hell is going on. [Off Walkie-Talkie] s***!

ANDREWS continues to move towards the locomotive. He finally reaches it and swings open the door. OTTO is shocked. ANDREWS puts his gun to OTTO’S head.

Give me your damn gun! NOW!

OTTO complies and gives him the gun. ANDREWS point one gun at OTTO’s head and fires the other at the controls. He then pulls the emergency brake. OTTO sees that ANDREWS is concentrated on the controls and he pushes him back. ANDREWS falls backwards and OTTO jumps at him. He goes to strike him again when ANDREWS fires at OTTO, the bullet grazes his left shoulder. OTTO flies backwards and ANDREWS beats him with his gun. The squad moves to both sides of the train. ANDREWS jumps from the train and two GUARDS take OTTO off. They throw him in the back of the car. Two squad members tend to a bleeding EMERSON. ANDREWS watches the slowly moving train. Camera zooms quickly to the C4 at the end of the track.

s***! The C4

It’s not activated, don’t worry.

If the train runs over it, the wheels will spark and detonate it. Get the hell out of here!

The Squad gets in the car quickly. Seeing that the backseat bench is full, ANDREWS opens the door and stands on the side. CARLSON takes a sniper rifle from next to him and aims at ANDREWS. Just as he is about to fire, the train explodes.

SC. XIV: Scene opens with ANDREWS and FORBES sitting across from OTTO at an interrogation table. ANDREWS takes a CD from his pocket.

Do you know what this is, Mr. Lander?

OTTO is silent.

This is a CD that contains a recorded phone call between you and Mr. James Carlson of Internal Affairs that took place from 11:24 to 11:31 last night.

How the hell did you get this?

Mr. Lander, how I obtained this piece of evidence is not important.

This is outrageous! It’s invasion of privacy!

Mr. Lander, you are going away for a very long time. [To Guards] Take him away.

[SLOW MOTION] GUARDS grip OTTO’S as he walks to a holding cell. He turns around to ANDREWS before he turns a corner and glares. As he rounds the corner, all of the lights shut off.

Everybody down!

SC. XV: ANDREWS is slammed down into a chair in an office. One TERRORIST closes the door and removes his mask. HALLINAN sits in a chair across from ANDREWS. HALLINAN dials OTTO on his phone.

We have Andrews.

Good. Put him on the phone.

[HALLINAN switches onto speakerphone.]

Hello, Mr. Andrews.

You’re not going to get away with this. Everyone in our agency will be after you.

Why would they look for me? You’re the one who killed Collins. The only thing that suggests that I am a criminal is the CD, which has only been examined by me, you and EMERSON. EMERSON is in critical condition and you are tied to a chair. No one will know about that phone call, Andrews.
HALLINAN, Andrews has a CD on him that I need. Please search him for it and destroy it.

I can make copies.

I doubt it. EMERSON’s house has been searched. His hard drive has been erased. Mr. HALLINAN, have you found the CD yet?

HALLINAN [To ANDREWS] {Aggravated}
Where’s the god damn disk?

ANDREWS does not respond. HALLINAN turns to TERRORIST who stands by the door.

HALLINAN [Loading his gun and pointing it at ANDREWS]
Take off his jacket.

TERRORIST nods and removes ANDREWS’ jacket. He searches the pockets and removes the disk.

We have it. When will I get my 200,000?

I’ll give it to you when you bring me the disk.

And what about ANDREWS?

Kill him. I have no need for him.

CUT TO -- FORBES is in another office. There is a dead TERRORIST slumped over on a table. FORBES has a gun in his hand. He EXITS the room into the hallway and scales the walls. Scene resumes in room with ANDREWS and TERRORISTS.

Kill him.

TERRORIST nods and loads his gun. FORBES scans walls and approaches room where ANDREWS is about to be executed. He throws open the door and shoots both HALLINAN and the TERRORIST. They fall to the floor as FORBES unties ANDREWS and collects the CD.

I need to access the surveillance database.

Here’s the disk.

ANDREWS puts disk into computer on desk and a window opens.

What’s the access code?


WINDOW opens with views of four hallways.

Do you have a map of this floor?

[Types keystroke and opens up floorplan] Here. This is Hallway 48. It seems to be clear. From there, we can take a right and get to the elevator lobby.
Can we restore the power from here?

Hold on.

FORBES takes out keycard and puts it into computer. He enters a password and a new window comes up. He types in a few commands and generated voice says POWER RESTORATION COMPLETE.

SC. XVI: ANDREWS and FORBES EXIT the office and move along the hallway with guns drawn. They make a right and reach the elevator. ANDREWS presses the elevator button with his gun. The elevator arrives and as the doors open, the two step in, scan the area with their guns and close the doors. ANDREWS gets a call on his cell phone. It is NIGEL COLLINS.


This is Nigel Collins. I need information on my brother’s murder.

How did you get this number?

I used to work for IA. I have connections. I understand that you are after a Mr. Lander. Is that correct?

Where did you get that information?

[Elevator doors open and ANDREWS and FORBES EXT. They walk towards ANDREWS’ car.]

Again, I was an agent. I need to meet you. I can’t let Otto get away with this.

Mr. Collins, I understand how you feel but protocol does not allow anyone who is unauthorized to interfere with this case. I’m sorry.

Listen. I don’t care about protocol. I don’t care about authorization. My brother is dead and the man who set up his murder has not been incarcerated. I want to see to it that Mr. Otto Lander is thrown behind bars and kept there for a long, long time. You follow?


We need to meet somewhere private.

Geneva and Portola. There’s an alleyway. It’s outside a supermarket, usually deserted.


SC. XVII: Close shot of gun being set down on table followed by medium shot of FORBES sitting in armchair, pouring himself a drink. He wears a white shirt with unbuttoned, rolled up sleeves. The first two buttons on the top of the shirt are also unbuttoned. He sips his drink and the phone rings. It is OTTO.

Mr. Forbes, this is Otto Lander.

FORBES presses down a recording button on his phone.

Mr. Forbes, please do not record this phone call. You have no need to –

Otto, you bastard. We’re going to track you down.


My God.

There is a way for you to get her back, Mr. Forbes. I just have one small favor to ask of you.

What do you want me to do?

I need Andrews taken care of.


It’s him or her, Forbes. You choose.

FORBES hangs up. OTTO closes his cell phone and turns to FORBES’ whimpering wife in the corner. Scene fades.

SC. XVIII: ENTER ALLEYWAY. We see ANDREWS, FORBES and NIGEL. All three men wear overcoats, suitable for the cold weather. ANDREWS is on his knees, drawing OTTO’S possible route with a piece of chalk. NIGEL is talking with ANDREWS and FORBES is watching passively at the side, leaning against a wall. The camera focuses with multiple shots on FORBES. Shots of FORBES [nervous] and ANDREWS intertwine, and then clips from the previous night’s phone call tie in. FORBES pushes his coat away slightly and reveals a pistol. He puts his hand on it.

ANDREWS [To side]
And I was tracking two shipments. One is coming from Stuttgart tomorrow. Forbes, I told you about this one, right?

FORBES [Snapping out of flashback]
[Pause] Yah. Right.

FORBES eases his hand off of the gun.

SC. XIX. ENTER FORBES’ house. We see FORBES writing a letter to ANDREWS’ wife, apologizing for his death. The phone rings. It is OTTO.

Is Andrews yet?

Not yet. I was going to kill him but there was someone else there.

You don’t seem to care for your wife very much, do you?
[OTTO holds phone up to FORBES’ wife, who is whimpering]

He’ll be dead by tomorrow.

Bring me the body.

FORBES dials ANDREWS quickly.

Hello? Andrews? This is Forbes. Just listen, I don’t have time for questions. Otto is holding my wife hostage. He wants you killed...and...[breaking down]...I have to do it. I won’t get her back. I can’t kill you, Andrews.


We fake my death. We set up a camera, you fire a blank, I go down.
I need to bring your body to Otto.

We’ll go ever there and tell him the body is in the trunk. I’ll arrest him.

I’ll be over there in ten. Call Nigel. If he wants to see Otto get booked, this is his chance.

SC. XX: We see a video camera. Camera shifts to FORBES binding ANDREWS’ hands and then stepping back. ANDREWS acts and pleads with FORBES. FORBES loads his gun and fires. ANDREWS goes down. FORBES turns off the camera.
[NIGEL in background]


I’m coming now. ANDREWS is in the trunk.


FORBES, NIGEL and ANDREWS get in car.

SC. XXI: FORBES’ car pulls up outside OTTO’S house. ANDREWS and FORBES get out.

I’ll be behind the car. Bring him out and make sure he’s closest to me.

FORBES nods and heads up to the door. NIGEL gets out of the car.

Let me open the door.

I know this is a personal matter, but if you kill him, we’ll be in a mess. It would be better if I did it.

Let me go to the door.

Mr. Collins, I’m sorry –

Let him open the door, Bill.

NIGEL goes up to the door and rings the bell. OTTO answers it.


This is for my brother.

NIGEL goes for his pistol but OTTO draws his first. He fires once at NIGEL’S chest. NIGEL falls to his knees, coughing blood. He has an expression of agony on his face. OTTO descends the staircase with his gun pointed at ANDREWS. ANDREWS reaches for his own gun.

Put the gun down, Andrews. You’ve caused me enough trouble.

ANDREWS pauses and then drops his gun to the ground.

Well Mr. Jonathan Andrews, it seems that this is the end.

He points the gun at ANDREWS’ head. Just as OTTO is about to fire, he gasps as a bullet passes through his chest. He falls and reveals NIGEL, lying on the doorstep, a smoking gun in his hand. NIGEL drops the gun and dies. Shots of OTTO’S body and NIGEL’S.

SC. XXII: We return to ANDREWS’ office. He looks at the DRUG OPERATION map on his wall for a few seconds, takes it down, folds it, and tosses it away.
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RE: Internal Affairs Movie

Post by JackBauerII »

This is not the updated version. If you want it, I'll send it to you via email.
If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.

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RE: Internal Affairs Movie

Post by JackBauerII »

This movie also needs a title. I'm having a little trouble with that.
If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.

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RE: Internal Affairs Movie

Post by Bodysnatcher »

I like it, but dont worry about the title, make up one for a working title and as you move through a name willcome to you that is relevent and appropriate.
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RE: Internal Affairs Movie

Post by JackBauerII »

Do you want the updated script? It's got some minor changes, mostly technical.
If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.

- Stanley Kubrick
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RE: Internal Affairs Movie

Post by JackBauerII »

Do you want the updated script? It's got some minor changes, mostly technical.
If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.

- Stanley Kubrick
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RE: Internal Affairs Movie

Post by Nba185 »

I liked it

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