That was pretty good i relly enjoyed it.The end was perfect and that song at the end is really cool(can you tell me who is the artist so i can find it).
Great job never the less ,keep up the good work
Hahaha that rocked I really liked when the hunchback pulls the head of that guy
Best line:” What the f*** is wrong with you?" "I have perkiness you insensate bastard"
I was laughing so hard hahaha.
I used Icarus a few times if you follow those video tutorials that SE7 gave you,youll have no probs at all.It is very simple to use the only problem is that it takes a LOOOOOONG-ass tme to match everything so it will lag your PC.
You should use some camera matching program like Icarus or Voddoo it can help with that wobble helicopther everything else looks good (ou and yeah also what bloodymess sead mask the blades ).
That was good nice shots, the only funny think is when you start to punch the bag it looks funny and you make a funny face and at last end you missed to elbow it :) ,but everything else is really good you thought everything out so this is a good one. Watch this kid he is really just found him on you...
Don’t tell me you like charmed???That TV show sucked the only good thing in that show was one of those chiches she was hot everything else sucked. I don’t understand you? You don’t like when for example they do a spell and tell you a good a reason for the spell how does it work so you can find it mo...
Hey that’s really good liked the opening ,nice song also, it looks like this one is going to be a nice movie cant wait for the hole thing, when it is coming out? Ou btw that guy in the black and white shirt I presume he doesn’t smoke? It kind of looked like the doesn’t smoke I don’t know how, someth...
you know its kinda strange, some of us have ideas of revenge for some really bad thing and you call it "imature" and then theres this and its like "wow dude, thats the best frickin idea ive heard", im not sayin that its a bad idea, just...pointing it out. We call it imature beca...
Hahah that was really funey i love how you call it "chug-nuts" we here call them "Tarzancici" witch originaly got the name from "Tarzan The King of the Junge"(i think thats the full name),because they swing around on the hair from you butt-crack thats why they got that ...